Post-Run Recovery

How many of you finish your run or workout, quickly jump into the shower, and run right out the door (or back to your designated work from home area) without taking the time to catch your breath? We all have busy lives, but I want to talk about why it’s SO important to take the time to relax after you exercise.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is responsible for regulating breathing rate, heart rate, digestion, and other unconscious bodily functions. It has two main branches: sympathetic (SNS)  and parasympathetic (PNS).

Image from:

The sympathetic branch is our “fight or flight” system, and is active during threatening situations. While not all stress is bad stress (exercise is an example of good stress that activates the SNS!), this system is unfortunately activated by ALL kinds of stress, both physical and mental. This causes the same kind of bodily reaction to work stress or relationship stress as if we were being chased by a bear!

The parasympathetic branch is our “rest and digest” system and allows our bodies to rest and recover. Ideally, in the absence of life-threatening situations, we want to spend most of our time in this state.

Our SNS is active when running and working out, and failure to quiet down the system following exercise and tap into the PNS can hold us in a heightened state of stress and impede our ability to recover- both physically and mentally. 

While our runs and workouts are important, the ability for our bodies to recover from exercise is VITAL to making progress, building strength, improving performance, and decreasing stress in our daily lives!

Participating in activities that promote relaxation after exercise or during stressful times can help us tap into the PNS and allow our bodies to recover. These activities can include deep breathing, gentle stretching, or meditation. Relaxation looks different for everyone!

Image from: Shutterstock

Personally, I am a fan of the meditation and relaxation app from Headspace! This app has guided meditations and relaxation activities that are short and effective.

After your next run or workout, schedule 5-10 min to focus on relaxation before getting back to your busy lives. Your body will thank you!